CEBUS: Contact us & Privacy, Imprint

Data privacy is a priority for us at CEBUS! You can always visit the CEBUS website on the internet without telling us who you are or providing any personal information.
In some situations, however, we need information from you to fulfil your request. Naturally, we will need your name, address and phone number or e-mail address if you want us for example to call you back or send you information. In that case we will use any information you provide in order to process your inquiry.
We may also contact you during the course of a business transaction as part of our customer satisfaction program or for market research purposes. In no event will we sell your personal data. You have the right to view any data disclosed to us and to order its modification or deletion.
Disclaimer External links: Despite careful checking of content we cannot assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked sites are solely responsible for their content.

Contact us

Do you have questions, comments, suggestions or tips to pass along to CEBUS? If so, please select the CEBUS contact form.

How to reach us by phone

TEL: +41 (0)71 - 588 01 06
E Mail Address

Visitors & Postal Address

Our postal address:

CEBUS Marketing - Anna Calandri©
Krombach 15
CH-9100 Herisau, Switzerland
CEBUS was founded 1982 in Germany, 2009 in Switzerland.
Registered in Herisau CHE-246.673.469

Publisher information

This is a commercial website of
CEBUS Marketing - Anna Calandri.